Sale for the VOD132-Series and VOD116 starts early November
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Mark Lane Who's Really Listening? 3Lp Box with Shirt, limited 99
VOD132.1/2 Death & Beauty Foundation Recordings 1981-84 (2Lp)
VOD132.13 Blockader / Chris Connelly Recordings 1983-88 (1Lp)
VOD132.3 Silverstar Amoeba Recordings 1983-85 (1Lp/7inch) 11 Euro
VOD132.7/8 Funeral Danceparty 'A Celebration of iDEATH' Recordings 1979-82 (2Lp/7inch)
VOD128 RICHARD BONE Vaulted Visions Filmworks, Synth Pop, Demos.... 1978-85 3Lp-Box w.7"
VOD131.5 Malcolm Brown - Recordings 1979-83 (1Lp)
Release Early September
VOD131.7/8 Modern Jazz/Ash Wednesday/Thealonian Music (2Lp/DVD)
VOD131.9/10 Sea of Wires / Chris Jones Recordings 1980-82 (2Lp)
VOD 123 ALIEN BRAINS It's All History Now - Tape Works 1979-85 4Lp-Set/booklet (w. Bonus-7"inch)
VOD 130 PASCAL COMELADE Degeneration Electronics 1974-1983 6 LP box set limited 99 with art-object
VOD124 RATIONAL YOUTH Cold War Night Life 1981-1984 5Lp w. Booklet
VOD125 LeLu/Lu's "Operating on Specific Cues - Early Works 1982-86" 2 LP
VOD127: V/A: "Official Guide to Scottish Minimal/Synth 1979-1983" 7 LP box w.7"ich set
with Klingons, 100% Man Made Fibre, DC3, Final Program, Dick Tracy, Inter CIty Static, Al Robertson