Sale for the VOD132-Series and VOD116 starts early November
VOD131.5 Malcolm Brown - Recordings 1979-83 (1Lp)
Release Early September
Malcolm Brown is a British Electronics/Minimal Synth-Artist active since the late 70’s and known for his collaboration-works with Robert Lawrence (Dada Computer / Quick-Stab Products) as well as his early 80’s Project Operations:Brutal and his experimental-focussed Cassette-Label Trench Music Kore and the highly sought after Tape-Releases of Andy Wilson’s RBE (Dub Flack) and the Compilation From A Trench with the very well known artists like Lustmord, David Jackman, Gordon Hope (of Flowmotion and A-Mission-Label), NWW, Fote and many more.
This release is concentrating on his darker/colder minimal/synth-focussed electronica-works comparable to some of the well known Dada Computer by R.Lawrence (Quick Stab Products) and Mark Philipps (MAP-Tapes)
A02 Improvisation (4.41)
A03 51 GC (3:24)
A04 Adrift (2:48)
A05 Occupied Winds (3.16)
A06 Something's Got To Give (4.46)
A07 Sweatmeat Brutal (4.49)
B02 Illusion Little Boy (8.28)
B03 Untitled (7.00)
B04 Spirits Look Down (3:18)
B05 No Logical Answers (5:00)
A3 recorded in a council flat in Whitburn Westlothian 1983. Tascam 4 track.
A4 appears on "From a Trench" Compilation-Tape 1982, Trench Musik Core TM1
B1 taken from unreleased Tape "Battered To Sleep", 1983
B2 & B3 previously unreleased and recorded in 1980 by Malcolm Brown and Rob Lawrence at Quick Stab Studio, Bristol UK. Malcolm: Vocals, Electric Organ Rob: WASP Synthesizer, Voice
B5 released on "The Thrust of Pure Mechanism" by 5XOD/Rob Lawrence; recorded in the Quick Stab Recording Studio, Cheltenham Road, Bristol, UK June/July 1980