[mehr...]Sonic Seducer
[mehr...]Bad Alchemy
[mehr...]We rock you like crazy (engl.)
SEPT 2004
"my second vinyl-on-demand membership shipment
arrived + the product design is - again - top notch. i like my vinyl a
bit less heavy, but that´s just me i guess (remember me to one day
explain why i prefer softcover books over hardcover ones). musicwise i
could live with the label catalog being not that fixated on "die
tödliche doris " and i still have to learn to love so-called
"avantgarde" and/or noise music. nevertheless, there are some records
one just should not miss, namely potenzstörung (vod03) &
weltklang/exil system (vod09). and the upcoming releases look pretty
neat too." "and i had me some quality time with those vinyl-on-demand
releases, especially the frieder butzmann release, and - i´m sorry to
have to turn around 180 degrees here but i now officially like
avantgarde/noise music. one hell of a record."
(www.werocklikecrazy.com/tanz/ )