[mehr...]Sonic Seducer
[mehr...]Bad Alchemy
[mehr...]We rock you like crazy (engl.)
[mehr...]Elekt Noiz (engl.)
[mehr...]Bad Alchemy
[mehr...]Bad Alchemy
[mehr...]E/I Magazin (US)
[mehr...]Junge Welt
[mehr...]Goethe Institut (Japan)
[mehr...]Bad Alchemy 48 (11/2005)
[mehr...]Goethe Institut (engl.)
This is a dwelling of Frank Maiar at the same time
though in the average of the undertaker who bounds the graveyard in the
north of an industrial zone in the town and Friedrichshafen in the
Borden lake side, there is an office of "Vinyl On Demand". The latest
release of label expands here in the door only on the record as thought
and a full shelf has expanded to the ceiling in piled and the room.
Here is neither only a mere dwelling nor an office. It is most perfect
one of Arcaiv of the music ..Obscua in 70's and 80's... Especially, it
is so for a German thing. These record and cassette were only
collectables that were collected as he went mad for 20 years or more
and rolled up before. The collectable usually fills owner's boast, and
is regularly wanting to be brushed depending on the owner. It
was so for Frank Maiar for a long time. It was a dream of owning it in
the world it was a day when that his mainspring as for perfection,
industrial, and noise music and ..Obscua.. avant-garde's collections.
He might already achieved it if especially depending.
However, the doubt had sprung when the collection unlimitedly
approached the stage of perfection one day. How do you do?Is this waste
put in the bank safe for the grandchild?Frank Maiar hit on another
idea. He has been using his collection for these several years as
Arcaiv, Varchal museum, and a laboratory. The Carehon person is
considered to be those who restore it which is a kind of the music
property in which I started being lost. There is movie Arcaiv, and is a
literary pavilion where works that a certain poet not necessarily
famous scribbled on the back side of the beer coaster are collected.
However, is there a place in which it puts one's heart in complete
preservation of the phenomenon of the pop culture in the
surrounding?The recording label doesn't do such a costly thing, and I
do not feel it an own duty as for public facilities.
A lot of
sounds of this circumference phenomenon end 70 year of the release by
the tape scene to have studied rise thoroughly putting it at the
beginning of 80's little of absurd as the single of independent
production as the cassette. Industrial and avant-garde's artists at
that time found a big meaning doing anything by himself, and were
selling the tape of the handmade jacket made cheaply in the concert
hall until contracting to the recording label.
It did so
and music had been recorded also even in the star of the scene named
Gabi Delgado of Bricsa bar Gert of Einsturzende Neubauten and DAF
before it the record debuted. It is foolish it is underdone, rough by
an interesting article, non-do commerce, and it excited and these might
be talented at the same time though this is strange.
Maiar is exactly interested in such music. These are the one that it
had an inscrutable influence to the current Ecsperimental music for
him. He says, "Everything started here, and techno is also a so, and
only this is a true source of the current electronic music". Frank
Maiar searches for the pop culture to which the historical significance
has not been clarified yet. He is basically searching for the history
in front of the untrodden field, the forgotten one, and the one and
this history that has been expelled.
new one is in the average of the excavation of the old one in the age
that the pop music self-quotes. "Thus, he has been working diligently
to the change to Arcaiv and the digitalization of the record, the
cassette or documents that I collected for these several years. 100,000
one record and the cassette are changed to Arcaiv on his Web site www.record-price-guide.org, and the experience of Maiar as an abnormal collector can be heard here, and it can know the value of rare item.
German music Arcaiv. However, it was refused. It starts changing only
what I have to Arcaiv there.The hand of German music Arcaiv did not
reach the record and the cassette that Frank Maiar knew. He has been
doing unexpected independent label "Vinyl On Demand" for two years. The
record of an industrial faction like the act etc. of The new Blockaders
that is attached to not only the release of a large amount of works of
the gem of Germany Nuweiv thought that he having been attacked by a
severe sale desire was lost in a short term but also an original board
of the high price of hundreds of dollars has relapsed. Praising this
cult recording doesn't stay in Thrston Moore of the sonic youth.
The interesting one is that Maiar completely moves the cassette that
has become it to a completely old-fashioned similarly vinyl record,
changes, and has released obsoleting as a medium. He has not put out
his hand to CD at all up to now. Neither the sense of touch nor the
euphoria vanish, and he insists to the board on wanting the drop of the
record needle. The vinyl survives for a long time, and the CD player
complete expulsion
of iPod doing of the DVD player to the dismissal of the video recorder.
However, the idea of Frank Maiar is acceptance . in the one that is
really more interesting than it from the beginning. He had developed
the market of the music at old times that had hardly appeared on the
market at the market that did not exist ,in a word, before before.
Volfgang Muller of the band and Dee Tatorihhe Dorris ..Obscua of Berlin
especially.. played the role of an unexpected plan of Maiar. The vinyl
of "Vinyl On Demand" released by each 500 piece limitation was
instantly sold out and given a reward though granted the sale
permission of the recording that they were the tapes how many and was
unpublished by Muller. There is even one LP box set that consists of 6
piece set unit in that. Muller recommended Maiar the activity
continuance, and the project came to turn automatically. It agreed with
the label policy with a strange strange music, the release form and the
content of "Vinyl On Demand" showed the agreement of 100 percent, and
it made a lot of people nod.
The maniac, the single-minded,
and crazyy big help. Volfgang Muller says, "Man that ..such obsession..
withers was waited for a long time". (I say before that I will put it
out by my label the tape of the band and Dee Tatorihhe Dorris that is
calling it and Frank Maiar has been said by speaking with a local
accent the Shuvarben. I thought that it was a quite interesting label
concept. He brought a lot of tapes possession though he came on and a
certain day himself me. Even I tape of not knowing there were these
kind of things.)
Label functions as fan project that doesn't
begin to produce a profit, and cooperates mutually by the artist, those
who manage label, and the buyer, chases the same target up to the
present, helps each other, and is moved based on the community
conception to exchange opinions each other. The recording industry is
amazed because of this concept that functions splendidly. Many of
artists who receive the inquiry of the sale permission from Maiar are
surprised because there is a person who still remembers
himself/herself. It voluntarily proposes, and a complete master tape is
sent instantly. Any record of which the member who finished turning
into a kind of club, and trusting the sense of smell of Maiar
completely went out is bought, and "Vinyl On Demand" does a
specific tape according to customer needs as long as the right can be
clearly done by following the book on demand method and does the press
to the vinyl.