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VOD64: Norma Loy "Message from the Dead" Lp-2 with DVD white vinyl lmtd.99
Superb Compilation of french Cold-Wave/Gothlegend Norma Loy starting with their very first recorded track from 81 to unreleased demos/rehearsals/live to unreleased treasures In 1981 Usher and Chelsea formed NORMA LOY. The band launched it’s first EP the first one of it’s Cold-Wave-kind in France. NORMA LOY searched for their identity and multiplyed there experiences on the side, leading to the creation in 1984 of their own label, CPM, which produced a second EP distributed by New Rose: "PSYCHIC ALTERCATION" whose "pscychoanalytic rock" gave the setting for later productions. CPM developed its own philosophy and centralised the different activities of the group (musical and non musical ones: (photo)graphic ones, literature, video making, dance etc... and controls the entire artistic production (recordings, LP covers, song books...). A particular emphasis was drawn on the concerts mixing music and slide projections. Over the past 25 years many excellent records have been released such as REWIND/T.VISION" (86), SACRIFICE (88) and the last part of the Trilogy called “REBEARTH”
Lp A Side 1.) Frustration 3,51 2.) Welcome to CPM 6,47 3.) XMas 2,18 4.) Crazy (first recording ever) 3,12 5.) Skandinavian Erotica Rehearsal 3,18 6.) Memories Rehearsal 4,06
Lp B-Side 10.) Glance for your eyes Live April30,1983 3,27 11.) Mental Outtake 1984 (=church and voice) 3,31 12.) Belinda’s dead friends Outake 88) 4,10 13.Power of Spirit (Demo 87) 3,46 14.) Dead in the Bed (Demo 87) 4,30 15.) Shiny (Venus in Furs) 4,32
Lp-C-Side: 1.) FOREVER GONE (1999) 2,34 2.) Chinese Puzzle 3,27 3.) fly away song (demo) 3,28 4.) memory train (rehearsal) 1,42 5.) Obsession 3,19 6.) The Cellar (unreleased 90) 3,00 7.) The Murder (Unreleased 90) 2,42 8.) TV Domination unreleased Demo 88 5,00 9.) Love Song 4,16 10.) L’age D’or rehearsal 2,50
DVD: Video Live at Atheneum 87 1. Immaculate 2. 1964 Shadows 3. Hell Night 4. Romance 5. T-Vision 6. Bitchy Boy 7. TV Friends 8. Died In The Bedroom 9. We Shall Win 10. Disconnected 11. Heaven12. Death To The LW
Lp A Side 1.) Frustration 3,51 2.) Welcome to CPM 6,47 3.) XMas 2,18 4.) Crazy (first recording ever) 3,12 5.) Skandinavian Erotica Rehearsal 3,18 6.) Memories Rehearsal 4,06
Lp B-Side 10.) Glance for your eyes Live April30,1983 3,27 11.) Mental Outtake 1984 (=church and voice) 3,31 12.) Belinda’s dead friends Outake 88) 4,10 13.Power of Spirit (Demo 87) 3,46 14.) Dead in the Bed (Demo 87) 4,30 15.) Shiny (Venus in Furs) 4,32
Lp-C-Side: 1.) FOREVER GONE (1999) 2,34 2.) Chinese Puzzle 3,27 3.) fly away song (demo) 3,28 4.) memory train (rehearsal) 1,42 5.) Obsession 3,19 6.) The Cellar (unreleased 90) 3,00 7.) The Murder (Unreleased 90) 2,42 8.) TV Domination unreleased Demo 88 5,00 9.) Love Song 4,16 10.) L’age D’or rehearsal 2,50
DVD: Video Live at Atheneum 87 1. Immaculate 2. 1964 Shadows 3. Hell Night 4. Romance 5. T-Vision 6. Bitchy Boy 7. TV Friends 8. Died In The Bedroom 9. We Shall Win 10. Disconnected 11. Heaven12. Death To The LW
33,00 € incl. MwSt plus shipping